Prototype 10

An EMG neural interface with the following features:
- Modular:
- A power module with Arduino microcontroller, battery, and power converter
- 1-8 (typically 2) electrode modules with up to 4 electrode pairs each
- Connected via standard 2.54mm (0.1 inch) dupont connectors
- Sampling rate of up to 500Hz, 8-bit resolution, max 8 signals
- Supports up to 17 electrodes total: 8 signal electrode pairs + 1 ground electrode
- Battery-powered (1x AAA battery, 1.2V, ~6h of usage)
- Wireless, using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- AI-based gesture prediction and keyboard emulation (see Python Library + GUI)
- GNURadio integration for plotting the raw signals + FFT
Changes compared to Prototype 9.2:
- Fixed aggressive filtering of signals by changing passive highpass filter capacitors C1-C8 from 100pF to 100nF. (This was covered in a blog post)
- Changed the gain for all amplifiers to 251x. (Some amplifiers had a gain of 501x due to a sensitivity bug, this is not necessary anymore.)
- Replaced the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with a Arduino Nano 33 BLE, since it has all required features at ~66% of the cost
- Replaced uncomfortable spacer screw electrodes with rounded dome nuts
Changes compared to Prototype 9.1:
- Added PsyLink logo to PCBs
- Added "OFF" and "ON" labels to power switch
- Simplified power LED circuit
- Moved the external power pins (J7) away from the center of the battery, so the pin headers are not physically in the way when removing the battery.
- Better labels on electrode module
- Moved EX1 pin closer to EX5 and EX4 pin closer to EX8, so one can use a 2-pin pin header instead of 2 separate 1-pin pin headers, for faster assembly
- Jumpers to activate built-in electrodes are now closed by default for faster assembly. To disable them, please cut the jumpers carefully with a short knife. To reactivate them, solder them together.
- Larger solder pads on instrumentation amplifier footprint for faster assembly
- Bill of materials: bom_p10.ods
- Components:
- Power Module 4.2
- Electrode Module 3.2
- Circuit 10.4 (electrodes)
- Circuit 12.1 (power)
- AnalogToBLE 1.2 Firmware
- Python Library + GUI
- GNURadio Flowgraph for P10
- Date: 2023-05-31