Power Module 2
An "Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense" shield that...
- Supplies 5V (V+ pins) from a TSP61220 step-up converter,
- This voltage also powers the Arduino
- Supplies 2.5V (Vref pins) from a voltage divider + LM321 opamp,
- Is powered by a 1.2V AAA battery on "Keystone 82" battery clips,
- Exposes 3 digital and 8 analog pass-through pins for the Arduino
- Dimensions: 50 x 25mm
- WARNING: This board contains a bug and will not function.
- See blog post Back to the Roots
- Source: PCB Layout file (for KiCad)
- Used in prototype:
- Circuit: Circuit 8 (power)
- Date: 2021-06-04