PsyLink is experimental hardware for reading muscle signals and using them to e.g. control the computer, recognize gestures, play video games, or simulate a keyboard. PsyLink is open source, sEMG-based, neural-network-powered, and can be obtained here.
This blog details the steps of building it and shows recent developments. Subscribe to new posts with any RSS reader, and join the community on the Matrix chatroom.
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2024-08-16: Nine PsyLinks
2024-08-01: Android: First Step
2024-07-25: Rev2 Firmware
2024-07-24: Prototype Fund
2023-08-25: Data Sheets
2023-05-31: Prototype 10
2023-03-22: Enhanced Signal by >1000%
2023-03-06: Sample Signals
2023-02-05: 2022 Retrospective
2022-02-24: Added Bills of Materials
2022-02-23: 3M Red Dot electrodes
2022-02-22: Microchip 6N11-100
2022-02-16: Next Steps & Resources
2022-02-15: Mass production
2022-01-19: Prototype 9 + Matrix Chatroom
2022-01-18: HackChat & Hackaday Article
2021-12-19: Prototype 8 Demo Video
2021-12-18: Prototype 8
2021-12-16: INA155 Instrumentation …
2021-12-15: Power Module 4
2021-11-30: Batch Update
2021-07-17: Neurofeedback: Training in …
2021-07-06: New Frontpage + Logo
2021-06-24: Cyber Wristband of Telepathy …
2021-06-21: Running on AAA battery
2021-06-16: Power Module 3
2021-06-10: Believe The Datasheet
2021-06-04: Back to the Roots
2021-05-31: Website is Ready
2021-05-29: Dedicated Website
2021-05-17: Gyroscope + Accelerometer
2021-05-14: Wireless Prototype
2021-05-09: Power Supply Module
2021-05-07: New Name
2021-05-06: Finished new UI
2021-05-04: Higher Bandwidth, new UI
2021-04-30: PCB Time
2021-04-29: Soldering the Processing Units
2021-04-28: Going Wireless
2021-04-24: First Amplifier Circuit
2021-04-19: Amplifiers
2021-04-15: Multiplexers
2021-04-14: Data Cleaning
2021-04-13: Cyber Gauntlet +1
2021-04-11: Adding some AI
2021-04-09: F-Zero
2021-04-08: Baby Steps
2021-04-03: The Idea
Nine PsyLinks
└2024-08-16, by RomanRecently I've been assembling some PsyLinks for anyone who is curious to try it out:
It was a huge help that the SMD parts were already soldered on by PCBWay. These were partially sponsored by PCBWay, which I am very grateful for. The quality is perfect, couldn't have done it better myself.
You can't imagine how happy I am for not having to hand-solder the tiny SC-70 voltage booster (2mm x 2mm) anymore! I also appreciate that PCBWay left no break-off points on the sides of the PCBs, since they tend to scratch the skin and I usually have to file them off manually.
I still can't outsource the assembly of through-hole components since I manually have to cut the connectors short enough so the bottom side doesn't scratch the skin. But I hope some day I can fully outsource the assembly and can focus on research and development instead.
Of the 9 PsyLinks on the photo, 4 are already reserved, but feel free to ask for one if you are interested!
Android: First Step
└2024-08-01, by RomanThe new PsyLink GUI now builds on Android!
One part is still missing: Bluetooth connections. So, currently the app is effectively useless, as it will scan for PsyLink devices but never find any. A good first step though.
You can find the Android build instructions in the It's quite the wrestling match.
Rev2 Firmware
└2024-07-25, by RomanThe PsyLink Arduino firmware now officially supports revision 2 ("Rev2") of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE (Sense).
You can toggle between Rev1 and Rev2 by setting the variable ARDUINO_REV2
to true or false.
Prototype Fund
└2024-07-24, by RomanI almost can't believe it, but this project is receiving a grant from the Prototype Fund!
The funding goal is to build new software for the PsyLink that runs platform-independent and user-friendly, as one of the major issues with PsyLink so far is how hard it is to set up the software. The current software uses Python and is Linux-only, and users have either written their own front end software or gave up trying to use it entirely. I plan to fix this with a Rust reimplementation that will run on Linux, Windows and Android.
This is what the new software looks like so far:
In contrast to the previous software, this is just a double-click on a single binary file, with no dependencies and no necessary user interaction - it automatically finds the PsyLink over bluetooth and connects to it.
The plan is to finish this in September and give a demo in Berlin.
Prototype Fund is looking for more applicants every 6 months, and I can wholeheartedly recommend them. The people are wonderful and it's been a great experience so far. Give it a try too, if you're based in Germany and your project fits the requirements. For reference, here is my own application:
My own Prototype Fund application (in German) can be found here as a reference.
Data Sheets
└2023-08-25, by RomanAfter learning about the 4-document-model (permalink), an insightful guide to writing better documentation for software projects, I realized that PsyLink really suffers from having its documentation so spread-out among the dozens of pages with no clear reference page that contains it all.
As a first step to mitigate this, I wrote extensive data sheets for the power module and the electrode module, bundled right along with their source in the schematics folder. You can find them here:
Hopefully this will help you to get the most out of the boards and reduce the mistakes you do while replicating or using them!